Sözleşme Danışmanlığı

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27 Dec: What is the RCEP: “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP)

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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15 Dec: Dış Ticaretçilerimizin Karıştırdığı Kavramlar: Teslimat-Delivery ile Sevkiyat-Shipment

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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26 Nov: Asya’da Ne Oluyor? Nedir Bu RCEP? : “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” Üzerine

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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14 Oct: Does International Cargo Carrying Law Exist?

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.


24 Sep: Uluslararası Kargo Taşıma Hukuku Var mıdır ?

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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23 Jul: A Short Review on Penal Clause and Liquidated Damage in International Commercial Contracts

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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19 Jul: Uluslararası Ticari Sözleşmelerde Cezai Şart ve Götürü Tazminat Hakkında Kısa Değerlendirme

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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14 Apr: COVID-19 ve Mücbir Sebep Kuralları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

There is a new solution method for the commercial disputes in Turkish Justice System as of the beginning of 2019. The new regulation, which can be expressed “Compulsory Mediation for the Commercial Disputes” in short, is a useful progress in order to develop alternative solutions for disputes and secure the justice without any delay. For further information about the application of the rules and procedures of the regulation, you can consult with your advocate or legal advisor.

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02 Mar: Corona Virüs Salgını Uluslararası Ticari Sözleşmelerde Mücbir Sebep Sayılır Mı?

Türk İdare Hukuku sisteminde genel olarak kişilerin idarî işlemlere karşı herhangi bir itirazda bulunmaksızın dava açabilmesine imkan verilmiştir. Ancak, genel uygulamanın aksine, Türk Gümrük Kanun’un 242. maddesinde dava açmadan önce tüketilmesi zorunlu olan bir idarî başvuru yöntemi düzenlenmiştir. Bu düzenlemenin varlığından birçok dış ticaret erbabımız bihaberdir. Düzenlemenin amacı, idarî işlemlere karşı dava açılmadan önce idareye ve sonrasında üst merciye kararın hukuka uygun olup olmadığı denetlemesinin öncelikle “idare içinde” yapılmasını sağlamaktır.

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17 Feb: Does Receiving an EFT Bank Receipt from the Buyer Mean that the Sales Price Was Paid for International Trade?

Türk İdare Hukuku sisteminde genel olarak kişilerin idarî işlemlere karşı herhangi bir itirazda bulunmaksızın dava açabilmesine imkan verilmiştir. Ancak, genel uygulamanın aksine, Türk Gümrük Kanun’un 242. maddesinde dava açmadan önce tüketilmesi zorunlu olan bir idarî başvuru yöntemi düzenlenmiştir. Bu düzenlemenin varlığından birçok dış ticaret erbabımız bihaberdir. Düzenlemenin amacı, idarî işlemlere karşı dava açılmadan önce idareye ve sonrasında üst merciye kararın hukuka uygun olup olmadığı denetlemesinin öncelikle “idare içinde” yapılmasını sağlamaktır.